Elegance of Aging

Coexistence of Ancientness & Future

This civic park in Bologna, Italy, critiques the trend towards homogenized urbanization, where the proliferation of glass and steel skyscrapers is often mistaken for a sign of a city’s modernity.

Instructor: Barry Wark

Teammate: Siyu Gao


Fluted Column

Rain Erosion

Replaced Components

Site Photos

The design integrates the traditional cathedral plan with a bespoke prototype, drawing inspiration from site photography showcasing honeycomb erosion patterns akin to our conceptual direction.

Southern facade | has bigger porption made of brick could protect from weathering sandston insed, and also prevent from extra solar gain.

Northern facade | predominantly features sandstone, chosen for its propensity to weather gracefully over time. Strategic placement of openings enhances daylight penetration into the interior spaces.

Assemble | Featuring primarily sandstone, chosen for its ability to weather gracefully over time. Precast sandstone pieces can be replaced as specific areas have varying degrees of weathering.

The project posits that architectural entities, much like living creatures, should not fear the manifestation of age. It argues for a cultural shift that values the elegance of aging, advocating for it to be recognized and celebrated. This design proposal represents a call to acknowledge and appreciate the elegance in the natural aging process of our surroundings, challenging the conventional wisdom that newer is always better.